Privacy Policy

1. Introduction:

  • Identifies Divya Kanakia as the operator of the website.
  • Highlights Divya Kanakia’s sensitivity to privacy issues and encourages visitors to contact them with any privacy-related questions or concerns.

2. Applicability:

  • Specifies that the privacy policy applies exclusively to the Divya Kanakia website.
  • Indicates that by visiting the website, users agree to be bound by the privacy policy.
  • Describes situations in which the policy is applicable, including registration, transactions, accessing the blog, and other interactions with Divya Kanakia.

3. Collection of Information:

  • States that non-personally identifiable information is collected for visitors browsing the website.
  • Lists examples of personally identifiable information that may be collected, such as name, address, phone number, email, etc.
  • Emphasizes that providing information is voluntary, with the user’s consent.
  • Acknowledges that Divya Kanakia is not obligated to verify the source of provided information.
  • Specifies that Divya Kanakia may collect, store, and share personal information for various purposes, including compliance with the law.

4. Use of Information:

  • Describes how collected information helps Divya Kanakia improve website content, analyze data, and provide a personalized shopping experience.
  • Mentions the sharing of information with associates, subsidiaries, and trusted third parties for various services.
  • Reserves the right to disclose information to comply with legal requirements or protect rights.

5. Data Deletion Process:

  • Commits to protecting personal data and respecting privacy.
  • Provides information on how users can request the deletion of their data and encourages contacting customer care for assistance.

6. Cookies and Other Codes:

  • Defines cookies and their role in recognizing visitors.
  • States that cookies are used to enhance the online shopping process and provide a personalized experience.
  • Informs users that they can set their browser to reject cookies but with some limitations.

7. Security:

  • Emphasizes Divya Kanakia’s commitment to protecting information with technical and management practices.
  • Advises users to sign off shared computers and assures encryption of personal information on the payment gateway.
  • Recommends changing passwords frequently and warns against sharing login credentials.
  • Provides a contact email to report suspicious activities at

8. Children’s Privacy and Parental Controls:

  • States that the website is not intended for minors, and individuals under 18 are not authorized to use it.
  • Advises parents on using parental control tools to prevent children from submitting information.

9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

  • Specifies that Indian laws govern the privacy policy, and disputes fall under the jurisdiction of Mumbai courts.

10. Grievances:

  • Provides contact information for addressing questions or grievances about the privacy policy at

11. Miscellaneous:

  • Asserts Divya Kanakia’s final decision in case of conflicts.
  • Encourages users to read and accept the terms and conditions by accessing the website.